Empress 1908
Empress 1908 Gin
Empress 1908 is a premium gin that is crafted in small batches using a unique blend of botanicals. This gin is known for its distinctive blue hue, which is derived from the butterfly pea flower. The gin is produced by Victoria Distillers, a family-owned distillery located on Vancouver Island, Canada.
The taste profile of Empress 1908 is complex and well-balanced. The gin has a floral aroma with notes of juniper, grapefruit, and ginger. On the palate, the gin is smooth and creamy with a hint of spice. The butterfly pea flower gives the gin a subtle sweetness and a beautiful blue color that changes to pink when mixed with tonic water.
Victoria Distillers has a rich history of producing high-quality spirits. The distillery was founded in 2008 by Bryan and Valerie Murray, who were inspired by the history and natural beauty of Vancouver Island. The Murrays have a passion for crafting spirits that reflect the unique character of their region.
Empress 1908 is best enjoyed in a classic gin and tonic, garnished with a slice of grapefruit or cucumber. The gin can also be used in a variety of cocktails, including the Empress Martini, which combines Empress 1908 with Lillet Blanc and orange bitters.