Malfy Gin - Gin Rosa
Malfy Gin Rosa is a premium Italian gin that offers a unique and refreshing taste profile, making it a perfect addition to any gin lover's collection. This gin is crafted using a variety of botanicals, including Italian juniper, coriander, angelica root, orris root, and sweet and bitter oranges. However, the star of the show is the Sicilian pink grapefruits, which give the gin its distinct citrusy flavour.
The history of Malfy Gin Rosa dates back to the early 1900s, when the Vergnano family began producing spirits in the foothills of the Italian Alps. Today, the family continues to use their traditional distilling methods to create this award-winning gin, which has gained a reputation for its exceptional quality and taste.
When it comes to taste, Malfy Gin Rosa offers a delicate and smooth texture, with a subtle sweetness from the grapefruit and a hint of juniper. This gin is perfect for sipping on its own, but it also pairs well with tonic water or in your favourite cocktail.
Whether you're looking to impress your guests at a dinner party or simply enjoy a refreshing drink after a long day, Malfy Gin Rosa is a perfect choice. So why not treat yourself to a bottle today and experience the unique taste of Italian gin?