Gin Mare
Gin Mare
Gin Mare is a premium gin that is crafted in a small fishing village on the Costa Dorada in Spain. It is made using a unique blend of botanicals that are sourced from the Mediterranean region, including arbequina olives, thyme, rosemary, and basil.
The taste profile of Gin Mare is complex and well-balanced, with a subtle sweetness and a hint of saltiness from the arbequina olives. The thyme and rosemary add a herbal note, while the basil provides a fresh and aromatic finish. It is a versatile gin that can be enjoyed on its own or in a variety of cocktails.
The history of Gin Mare dates back to the 19th century, when the founder of the distillery, Francisco de la Riva, began experimenting with different botanicals to create a unique gin. Today, Gin Mare is still produced using traditional methods and is considered one of the finest gins in the world.
Gin Mare is best enjoyed in a classic gin and tonic, garnished with a sprig of rosemary and a slice of lemon. It is also a great addition to a variety of cocktails, including the Negroni and the Martini.